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Created 25-Oct-23
31 photos

Ukrainian Colors at Song and Dance Festval, in Riga Latvia: IMG_1922PptOpening Procession with Ligho Flag at Song and Dance Festival: P1040831Singers arriving at Mezaparks, Riga: IMG_1768Photography adventure Latvia IMG_1786Photography adventure Latvia P1050091Singers at Latvian Song and Dance Festival in Riga: DSC09851Evening at Latvian Song and Dance Festival: IMG_1246The Riga Dome with the city below: IMG_2065Pipe Organ at Riga Cathedral in Latvia: DSC09055Kokle instruments in Latvia: IMG_0545Dance Presentation at Daugava Stadion: IMG_1471Latvian Song and Dance Festival: IMG_1334Human Chain in Dance in Riga, Latvia:  DSC09870Dance presentation during Latvian Song and Dance Festival: P1040947Minority concert at the Russian Theater: DSC09117Folklore dance at Minority concert: DSC09340Singing and playing on Balalaika: DSC09422Dance group at Latvian Minority event: IMG_0725Singing at the Latvian Song and Dance Festival: DSC09439Dance Group at the Minority concert in Latvia: IMG_0764

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