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Taken 15-May-13
Visitors 134

17 of 52 photos
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Dimensions1024 x 635
Original file size154 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
Date modified15-May-13 16:09
Pope John Paul: 74-PopeJP

Pope John Paul: 74-PopeJP

His Holiness Pope John Paul II, visiting in Boston's Coly Cross Cathedral. It was a huge event. I had to get special cloths besides the credentials. Was privileged in a section for the press. But at one instant the Pope went to a side-altar to have a quiet moment before his speech. I quickly exchanged looks, asking for permission to go to a side-advantage point. I received the nod and used my Leica for the B&W, the Nikon for Color. I believe it was the Elmarit 28mm, which I used here. I wanted to include some of the Cathedral to give a sense of place. And then of course I waited for a decisive moment of thought.
I have won an award with this image, which I entered in the AP portrait category. Funny enough, the award read: Ulrike Welsch first price: Sports category: Pope kneeling!